Nested if statement

The syntax of the nested if is as follows:

  // Executes when the expression 1 is true
    // Executes when the expression 2 is true */
    // Executes when the expression 2 is false */  
  // statements to be executed if all test expressions are false 

If expression1 is false, then expression2 is checked if it is true then statements are executed. If expression2 is also gets false, then controller execut else part.

void main()
   int m, n;
   printf("Enter the value of m:");
   scanf("%d", &m);
   printf("Enter the value of n:");
   if (m != n)
 printf("m is not equal to n");
 //Nested if
 if (m > n)
  printf("m is greater than n");
  printf("n is greater than m");
 printf("m is equal to n");


Enter the value of m:15
Enter the value of n:19
m is not equal to n
n is greater than m